Screenshots from January 2010

<<< December 2009 February 2010 >>>

01/01/10: promo from Sat.1, Pro7 and Kabel1 HD, launching at the end of January
on Astra, 19°.2 east
11464 H 22000 2/3 (DVB-S2)
id1: SAT.1 HD
id2: ProSieben HD
id3: kabel eins HD
provider: ProSiebenSat.1
network: ProSiebenSat.1
framesize: 1280 x 720
01/01/10: Nuvolari has gone temporarily FTA
on HotBird, 13° east
11881 V 27500 3/4
id: Nuvolari
provider: SkyItalia
network: Sky
framesize: 544 x 576
01/01/10: French version of FoxLife has stopped broadcasting
and an infocard is now shown
on Atlantic Bird 3, 5° west
12543 H 27500 3/4
id: Fox Life
provider: GlobeCast
network: GCP/AB3KA7
framesize: 544 x 576
03/01/10: promo from Rete Kalabria, launching soon,
on HotBird, 13° east
12149 V 27500 3/4
provider: AH-EDP
network: EUTELSAT
framesize: 352 x 288
03/01/10: Sahar 2, a new international channel from Iran
  on HotBird, 13° east
12437 H 27500 3/4
id: SAHAR 2
provider: IRIB
network: IRIB EXT.TA
framesize: 720 x 576

LoveTest is mistakenly on-air

LoveTest removed, logo replaced with previous on-screen version

Normal logo restored instead of the Winter logo

Winter logo comes back as second on-screen logo
03/01/10: technical problems for MTV Italia.
04/01/10: infocard from CNN International
on Thor, 0°.8 west
11229 H 24500 7/8
id: CNN INternational
provider: Telenor
framesize: 704 x 576
05/01/10: infocard from Pinoy TV
on Badr, 26° east
12092 V 27500 3/4
id: Pinoy TV
provider: Fujairah Media
framesize: 720 x 576
08/01/10: Music Channel Hungary has replaced MTV Hungary
on pay-tv package DigiTV
on Intelsat 10-02, 1° west
12563 H 27500 3/4
id: Music Channel Hu
provider: RCS
framesize: 704 x 576
08/01/10: H!T Music has replaced Viva Hungary
  on pay-tv package DigiTV
on Intelsat 10-02, 1° west
12563 H 27500 3/4
id: H!T Music
provider: RCS
framesize: 704 x 576
08/01/10: infocard from EBRU
on HotBird, 13° east
11054 H 27500 5/6
id: EBRU
framesize: 352 x 576
09/01/10: infocard from TOP TV
on Eurobird 9A, 9° east
11843 V 27500 3/4
id: TOP TV
framesize: 720 x 576
15/01/10: Idman TV from Azerbaijan,
new on Turksat, 42° east
10968 H 11200 5/6
id: Idman_Azerbaijan
framesize: 480 x 576
15/01/10: Colors
on Eurobird 1, 28°.5 east
11426 V 27500 2/3
id: 9XM
provider: BSkyB
framesize: 544 x 576
16/01/10: EPG info fro Nick Junior France has appeared on the MTV testcard (slot formerly used by Comedy Central Germany): "RDV le 26 janvier"
on Astra, 19° east
11973 V 27500 3/4
id: Test 1
provider: MTV Networks Europe
framesize: 544 x 576
16/01/10: infocard from Nessma
on HotBird, 13° east
11585 V 27500 3/4
provider: GlobeCast
framesize: 480 x 576
19/01/10: fire screen is available
on Eutelsat W3A, 7° east
11617 V 30000 3/4
no id (SID 7461)
framesize: 720 x 576
19/01/10: infocards from Big Brother Albania
on Eutelsat W2A, 16° west
11094 V 27900 2/3
id1: Big Brother1
provider: DigitALB
framesize: 704 x 576
id2: Big Brother2
provider: DigitALB
framesize: 544 x 576
21/01/10: Colour Wheel testcard is back
on Eutelsat W2A, 16° east
12726 V 30000 3/4
provider: NTH
framesize: 544 x 576
21/01/10: infocard from Al Mawaddah
on HotBird, 13° east
11470 V 27500 5/6
id: Al Mawaddah
provider: Harmonic
network: Site
framesize: 640 x 576
21/01/10: promo from TV8 Slovakia
on Thor, 0°.8 west
12418 V 28000 7/8
id: TV8.SK
provider: Telenor
network: Telenor
framesize: 720 x 576
22/01/10: live feed for MTV Hope for Haiti Now
on Eutelsat W1, 10° east
10996 H 5632 3/4
id: Arqiva Enc 6
provider: Arqiva
framesize: 720 x 576
26/01/10: infocard from Genius
on HotBird, 13° east
11013 H 27500 3/4
provider: RRsat
framesize: 176 x 144 (really!)
26/01/10: Trace TV is temporarily in the clear
  on Astra, 19°.2 east
12402 V 27500 3/4
provider: CSAT
framesize: 720 x 576
27/01/10: 3D tests on Turksat, 42° east
12685 H 30000 5/6
id: 3D Test
framesize: 720 x 576
27/01/10: Bloomberg Haberturk is new
on Turksat, 42° east
11194 H 7200 3/4
id: Bloomberg HT
provider: Bloomberg HT
framesize: 720 x 576

28/01/10: NatGeo Music Italia is temporarily in the clear
on HotBird, 13° east
11862 H 27500 3/4
id: NatGeo Music
provider: SkyItalia
network: Sky
framesize: 544 x 576
29/01/10: infocard from Krazee Auction
on Badr, 26° east
12092 H 27500 3/4
id: Krazee Auction
provider: Fujairah Media
network: Fujairah Media
framesize: 720 x 576
29/01/10: TV Sarajevo is new and testing
  on Turksat, 42° east
12729 V 30000 5/6
id: TVSA
provider: TURKSAT
framesize: 544 x 576

<<< December 2009 February 2010 >>>